Our craft bread
Our bread is made from three basic ingredients: flour, water and salt. While the ingredients are simple, the process requires incredible rigor and attention to detail. We purposefully designed our kitchen and mill with open sight lines, for all to witness the miracle of bread, in real time.
We’ve learned that time and temperature are just as important ingredients as the wheat itself. That’s why we bake on a custom stone hearth. The stone oven allows our small batches of highly hydrated dough to fully cook and develop dark, crusty exteriors. The hearth imparts a wonderful depth and flavor; you may notice that our loaves seem darker than most breads; we welcome you to try them and let us know what you think.
Hearth baked

We carefully source organic, heirloom wheat berries with distinct flavor profiles, and mill them fresh in house. In doing so, we can capture the maximum flavor and goodness of the wheat and create nutrient-packed and delicious loaves. You’ll find a number of hearth loaves that use 100% of this wholesome flour, clearly marked and lined up our shelves.
Heirloom wheat, milled fresh

In our leavened breads, we use a natural, slow fermentation process. Known in baking circles as a levain or sourdough starter, we feed and care for our Wild Yeast a few times a day with freshly milled flour. Long fermentation is the key to subtle flavor development and a longer shelf life without additives. We give our dough plenty of time to slowly rise in handmade baskets, and the end result is a more nutritious hearth loaf.
The slow rise